Imagist: I plan to copy over all the problems myself, but I can only guess whether the problems are "Black to kill," etc., so it would be helpful if someone could confirm them and correct them if necessary. We also should add solutions to the problems at some point, though these problems are extraordinarily hard, so that is likely to take a very long time. Although there is a book in English which has the solutions to about a third of these problems, people who have the book should refrain from posting solutions to avoid copyright problems (the problems themselves were created in 1713, so we have no need to worry about copyright problems there).
unkx80: I used to own a copy of the Chinese version of the FaYangLun for a short while, but it has been lent out and never returned. Anyway, the problems do specify "Black first" or "White first", but they never specify the outcome (ko, live, kill, etc.). It appears that some of the problems in the Igo Hatsuyo-ron can also be found in the Kanazawa tesuji series. As for a number of problems near the back of the book, the solutions can be hundreds of moves long, and I suggest we don't wait for people to give attempts, simply put up the problem and the solution together as "a matter of fact" since I guess most people here won't be bothered with problems that are so long. By the way, it seems that the Kanazawa tesuji series project has already fizzed out?
Imagist: I was going to attempt to revive the Kanazawa Tesuji Series, I couldn't find a single authoritative answer on what problems belong to the series. In any case, I prefer problems like this where I can spend an hour on each one, since I find that I learn a lot more that way. In the long term, I plan to typeset these problems into PDF books using LaTeX so that people (like me) who prefer treeware can print them out.
unkx80: Thanks for the effort. But if you want to transcribe these problems, please transcribe them correctly. The format of the problems is as follows:
第[Problem number]题 『[Who plays first]』 [Diagram] 【审题】[Problem description] 〖提示〗[Hint]
黑先 means "Black to play", 白先 means "White to play". Hope this helps.
Imagist: In my browser everything except the diagrams themselves comes up as question marks, so I was going based on the pictures of the stones below the problem (which is evidently wrong). Until I can figure out how to display the characters correctly in my brower, perhaps I'll just copy over diagrams and someone else can add the "black to play" or "white to play".
Bill: The character encoding seems to be Chinese Simplified (GB2312).
Imagist: Hm, that's odd, my browser is set to view Chinese Simplified character encoding. Maybe I'll try Internet Explorer.
In any case, I'm going on a trip until Friday night, so I won't be working on this until then.
Bill: I'm using Firefox.
Imagist: Hm, maybe I'll redownload Firefox. It could also be that I need to install the font.
unkx80: Looks like all of us are using Firefox. Yes, you do need to install Asian (or is it called CJK?) fonts.
Imagist:The fonts display correctly on the computers at the university, so I may work on this from there.