The section "Increasing thickness & checking from the side" says black 1 is normally answered with white 3, but there is no diagram or further analysis on this position. Is this really, the main line? If so, would a little more discussion be useful?
Bob McGuigan: The discussion on the main page indicates that it might be OK for White not to answer , and a relevant pro game is cited. Whether this is good or not depends on the rest of the board and what White might accomplish by playing elsewhere. Here is a diagram showing the position when White defends:
might look slow but it is big territorially and it has a big effect on future developments on the left side. As shown on the main page, if White plays tenuki instead of , Black can seal off the left side by attaching at the point. White might omit if Black cannot get enough from the left side to make up for White's play elsewhere. Also, White gets sente after the Black attachment. So it is a complicated situation involving whole-board consideration.