Forum for Joseki pages

how to clean the mess? [#1148]

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reply how to clean the mess? (2007-09-24 09:49) [#3907]

The joseki pages index is another good example where the SL approach is in check.

  1. Several pages overlap in purpose and naming
  2. Nearly all pages are in discussion mode
  3. However, there is some good advice out there
  4. It is nearly impossible to edit things out without losing references, harming signed contributions etc

You look at it as an experienced user and you wonder how on earth a beginner or new SL user will find the advice he's looking for. If he's of the persisting kind, he'll make a page of his own.

Given the extreme popularity of the topic, we really must do something about it, to make good advice stand out and remove all the duplicate efforts. --Dieter

Bill: Re: how to clean the mess? (2007-09-24 10:26) [#3908]

What is the purpose of joseki pages on SL? As I recall, it is not really to be a joseki dictionary, although to a certain extent, it seems, it functions as such. OC, there are a number of issues surrounding joseki, such as joseki choice, situational plays, deviations, hamete, whether to study joseki, how to study, etc.

Bill: Re: how to clean the mess? (2007-09-24 17:10) [#3911]

You look at it as an experienced user and you wonder how on earth a beginner or new SL user will find the advice he's looking for. If he's of the persisting kind, he'll make a page of his own.

Yes, the organization of material for easy navigation and reference is an important task.

Given the extreme popularity of the topic, we really must do something about it, to make good advice stand out and remove all the duplicate efforts.

I agree about making good advice stand out, even if there is not a consensus about what good advice is. (One thing I am learning from looking at games for review on GoDiscussions is how many mistakes result from playing joseki, at least, joseki that the player knows. Players may learn the moves of joseki but may not understand them.) I am not so sure about removing duplicate efforts. They may sometimes merely be redundant, but not always. If you think of a library, it will have many books and magazines covering the same subject, and therefore much duplication. That fact does not keep library patrons from finding valuable material, even if they also find material that is not so valuable. Taking the library as a metaphor for Sensei's Library relieves us of the duty of eliminating overlapping material and duplicate efforts. (Not that it would not be a good idea to remove some redundancy.) Not taking on that task also make restructuring easier. :-) Re: how to clean the mess? (2007-09-24 18:53) [#3912]

Yes that's a useful insight. Proper naming, listing and referencing of pages will do the main trick, improving on the quality of pages will do the rest and indeed we don't necessarily have to remove duplicate content from them. --Dieter Re: how to clean the mess? (2007-09-24 18:54) [#3913]

Useful insight, Bill. Proper naming, listing and referencing will do the main trick. I'll try to relieve myself of the obssession with elegance.

reply ((no subject)) (2007-09-24 14:03) [#3909]

Whatever the original purpose may have been, the dictionary part currently works better than the rest, although a lot is covered in a BQM and those function very well too.

xela: like a dictionary, but better? (eventually...) (2007-09-25 02:00) [#3918]

I just want to point out that SL can outdo a printed dictionary or an SGF dictionary in terms of hyperlinking--joseki here can be crossreferenced to and from relevant strategic concepts, examples in actual games, and other relevant discussion.

tapir: ((no subject)) (2010-10-29 19:10) [#8038]

we started to clean this last year as far as i remember. but how do we proceed?

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