The art of capturing stones / Errata

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Black to play -- Can this white group be killed ?
The answer starts like this
The answer continues
More of the book answer
This looks better to me for black
Other possibility

Problem 41 (of first edition?)

Eric Osman: I believe I've found an error in the Yutopian book called, on the front, "The Art of Go Series Volume 2 -- Capturing Stones" and on the spine, "Art of Capturing Stones" .

The error is in the answer to this problem which appears as number 41 in the first edition (ISBN 1 - 889554 - 17 - 0)

Black to play -- Can this white group be killed ?  

Before I reveal both the book answer and my own answer, which I believe shows the book answer to be wrong, I'll give you a few minutes to think about the problem yourself.

When you're ready to read the answer, don't click here. Just keep reading.

The only purpose of this sentence is to use up some space so you won't inadvertantly see the answer in case you want to try to solve the problem yourself.

This sentence is the second of two with the same purpose.

Here comes the answer !

The answer starts like this  

Black de-eyes with B1, white eyes with W2, black atari's with B3, white counter ataris with W4, black captures with B5.

The answer continues  

White atari's back at W6, black atari's at B7, white captures at W8 .

The next (black) move is where the book and I differ.

More of the book answer  

The book shows black throwing in and saying atari with B9, and white forming a ko with W10 .

But I see a better move for B9 that looks to me like unconditional death to white.

This looks better to me for black  

It looks to me like throwing in this way with B9 kills white completely.

Is this a Yutopian error ?

You can email me by clicking here : [email] Email to Eric

Other possibility  

jvt: I agree with your B9, this is another way to kill.

Dieter: Agree.

The art of capturing stones / Errata last edited by PeterHB on June 5, 2008 - 23:12
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