I've been in & out of go playing since about 2001. I was an avid reader of SL at the time, played many games against engines (though they say it's bad), a few against humans. Then I attended the local Go scene in my town... as long as there was one. I never managed to play much online, that's why my rating never went below 13k. I used to play a lot on DGS, which is good because it gives you plenty of time to plan moves, but on the other hand you lose the flow of the game.
I'm a serious case of Online Go Anxiety, but I'm so tired that I decided to get rid of it by forcing myself to play at least one game per day. I created a group on OGS too ( https://online-go.com/group/1182), but there's just me there ATM :)
29 Jul 16: It's been about two weeks since I put my effort on overcoming my OGA. I'm doing fairly well, most of the time starting a game is not so hard on my nerves as before and when I begin to think about the game itself all other thoughts nearly vanish. Blitz games are especially useful in this regard (either you think about your move or you lose by timeout). I played tournaments too, you can get many games with a minimum waiting time.
I'm losing so much that it doesn't hurt anymore :D I tend to play passively, so now my goal is overcome OGA completely and change this bad attitude of mine. I've been told from a dan player that I should improve my reading ability on tsumego and that's what I'm doing: slower games and tsumego. I need to boost my kiai too!
27 Aug 16: Experiencing a drop in my interest for Go. Starting a game is almost anxiety-free but, since I don't put much effort while playing, my rank is lowering a bit.