This page uses an experimental move navigating system. How to deal with it?
Please see /Discussion for a discussion of the system.
First, here comes the original situation again, but shown as whole board.Thanks. Just click at the link markers to go to the corresponding solution attempts.
(When adding a variation, please place it in the appropriate section and/or create a new link marker, respectively.)
jfc: white 1 through 7 are sente here and buy white a few extra liberties at b as black must capture the white stones before playing a. After this c seems natural for white. I've played a few variations from here to conclusion and it seems like white wins.
Charles Have tesuji gone out of style on SL?
This looks like an interesting way for White to gain some time in the corner?
Chris Hayashida: I didn't understand the result of Charles's diagram. I found something similar (in "Tesuji", oddly enough) so I added the continuation. This sets up a multi-stage ko in the corner. Is this the correct continuation?
Charles That is one of two possible kos that should be looked at here. White has several possible local threats. It's a deceptive position, I think. White might get a poor result by playing a threat at the circle point, and a better one by playing at the square point.
--(end of branch)--
Bill: I think that the surroundings are relevant. For instance,
Suppose that lives in exchange for the corner. How to assess this variation depends upon the aji of
and the possible attack against the
If the Black group in the top left corner lives, Black can attack White's group on the top side.
--(end of branch)--
Dave: In this type of position I think the first question is whether White can play in sente. This destroys Black's eye shape. After this if White turns to the corner, Black does not have the option of playing at 1 and living on the upper edge.
Dave: Descending at reduces the corner aji and threatens to connect. However, the hane at
looks effective. If
then after
Black can not play both a and b at the same time.
--(end of branch)--
Dave: So Black switches to this ,
. Can White create enough liberties in the corner to win the fight? The aji of the two White stones looks effective.
Bill: Instead of White at a in the previous diagram, threatens to kill the
stones or to escape to the center.
Bill: saves the
stones, but White's escape is successful. If B a instead of
captures because of the ladder.
--(followup at c)--
Dave: If a White play at 7 is not a ko threat then the situation depends on external threats. If Black has a large enough external threat then White has a problem. However, if Black has no large outside threats then White can play here.
--(end of branch)--
Bill: Instead of White at a in the previous diagram, can simply make life, killing Black's group. Then if Black at
, White at
kills the corner.
--(end of branch)--
Bill: Thanks for showing the whole board. :-)