Tsumego From Games 32 / Attempts

Sub-page of TsumegoFromGames32

Hans: This seems to be difficult. My guess: Since white cannot win the fight at the top[1] she has to try something in the center. I am not sure about the order of moves. Besides there may be other black moves to capture white. If black insists in capturing white at the end there is a big seki.

Attempt Part 1  

Dieter: B6-W7 is too much of an assumption (see below)

Attempt Part 2 - Seki  

White's stones around 7 have to run away and there remains the cutting point marked with a circle.

Dieter: Very interesting. It all depends on the outside of course, but seki indeed seems to be the main line.


W1 is clearly sente to save stones, but W3 isn't: a and b are miai.


If we assume W3 here to be sente, B6 or a (see below) is a better response than the one given above.


The end result is seki.


W3 is sente.


If Black B1 here, it turns into seki again.

Hans: Nice analysis, Dieter. I do not have the time at the moment but for a complete solution one must prove that white cannot do anything at the top.

4 fills in at 1  

This is the way we saw it at the club after the game... If black doesn't capture the throw in at 1, then white can atari at 6 and then connect. -- Snappy


unkx80: I don't have time to do detailed analysis right now, but doesn't this kill the white+circle stones? (Black will sacrifice the black+circle stones.)

[1] Gronk: Why does this W1 fail?


Tsumego From Games 32 / Attempts last edited by Gronk on September 26, 2005 - 17:30
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