TsumegoFromGames101/ Solution

Sub-page of TsumegoFromGames101

Chris Hayashida: W1 makes one eye in the upper left corner. At this point, a and b become miai for a second eye.

After reading the discussion below, it sounds more like b and c are miai for the second eye. c is the vital point for the first L+1 group.


Chris Hayashida: First, the easy case. If B1, then W2 makes a second eye.

Alive, but White might lose two stones  

If Black plays B1 instead, then it's more complicated. White ataris at W2, forcing B3. After that, White has the first L+1 group. White plays W4 to make life.


If White tries to save the two stones, Black plays B3. White is left with a dead L group. It would have been better to sacrifice the two marked stones so that the whole group doesn't die.


Zook: I think this is an interesting variation too. At first sight, it looks as if a and b are miai to kill the outer eye and White is still left with a L-group in the corner. However, there are weaknesses in Black's position.


White now opens one of the variations in the L-group to make use of the weakness at the circled point.

someone: Question: what if B6 at B8? Zook: See [1].


W1 captures two stones. If Black throws in, White captures his stones by pushing through at W3.


Bent four, but enough liberties  

Zook: If B1 here (instead of B6 two diagrams earlier above), this is basically a variation discussed at bent four in the corner (check that page). White has enough outside liberties to avoid the ko.

The problem  

Zook: If B3 at W4, I suddenly find a problem. Still thinking ...

Chris Hayashida: I updated this diagram to show Zook's problem. B3 and B5 falsify White's second eye. W4 and B5 can be swapped, and the eye is still false.


Yeah, White has to start at W1 here after exchanging the alleged marked miai!


Chris Hayashida: What if Black plays at B1 the critical point? White cannot immediate play at b. W2 makes a and b become miai for life.

TsumegoFromGames101/ Solution last edited by Kuolema on May 12, 2005 - 19:47
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