The art of kibitz

    Keywords: Humour

There are at least two ways for this:

Serious Kibitz
Often performed in a side room which has a copy of the game, by strong players and with the serious intention of explaining and discussing the game. On the Go servers, kibitzing can be performed by any observer, and the players will only see it afterwards in the gamefile (if at all).
Animated Kibitz
Often much more informal and within earshot of the players, sometimes even with the involvement of the players themselves. (Not to be confused with Argue The Opponent Into His Move which is a bad habit).

Much fun has been had with the art of 'animated' kibitz, and those interested are suggested to read Get Strong At Kibitz - the current Authority on the subject.

(moved the following from [Kibbitzing] - thanks to JG's comment there.)

On the base of some old, traditional gobans there is a carved depression.

It is quite apocryphal to say that this was for the blood of spectators who were too audible.

Practical advice from Kibitzers:

Hu: Think, write, proofread, think, edit, think, proofread, think, press Enter.

alfalfa: or, think, think, think, think.... and don't say anything.

See Also

The art of kibitz last edited by Dieter on February 29, 2008 - 20:44
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