Tanaka Koyu
Keywords: People
田中 康湧 (康涌)
たなか こうゆう (Tanaka Kouyuu)
다나카 고유
Kansai Ki-in professional
b. 2001-06-14
1p: 2017-08, 2p: 2020-02-27, 3p: 2022-01-01
He remembers Go from the age of six. He played in the 33rd "Asahi Boys' and Girls' Tournament" (朝日少年少女囲碁大会). Since Asahi sponsors the Meijin, this might be another name for the Children's Meijin.
In 2020, he was a quarterfinalist in the 45th Shinjin O, and also played in the 7th Globis Cup.
His style is calm (冷静).