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Subpages on SL are a mechanism of grouping pages about the same thing together. If you have a page, say Somepage, then it may have subpages.

Common subpages:

  • Somepage/Discussion - for discussions about the content of Somepage
  • Somepage/Solution - for the solution to a problem posted on Somepage
  • Somepage/Attempt# - for someone's attempt at solving a problem on Somepage (the # can be left out, or any number, or someone's name even - the standards are unclear)
  • Somepage/Errata - for corrections and mistakes (the errata) of a book or website described on Somepage.

Actually, one can make a subpage with almost any name one wishes - the above are just some of the most common ones.

When should a page be a subpage?

From KGS Clans:

It might make more sense to have these pages as subpages of the main page.

Steve: I disagree - this makes about as much sense as having all KGS User Homepages being subpages of the KGS page. The flat structure of links in SL makes cross-linking easier, and stuff easier to find - subpages should generally be used only for pages which will generally not be worth reading outside the context of the parent page.

Forums in subpages

A page and its subpages share a common forum.

See also

Subpage last edited by axd on December 10, 2008 - 20:02
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