prevents eyes.
left of
- no time for
makes life.
White has . . . 19 - 8 = 11 points ('a' is Black's option). If White goes for the other side, it's only 9.
Robert Pauli: Wouldn't really call it seki.
WillerZ: My answer. It is indeed odd.
Robert Pauli: The position, or . . . ;-)
B can use all 6 of these moves for ko threats if there is a big enough ko. But otherwise, he should leave well alone.
Later Black has 'b' to force and 'a' to force 'b'.
So yes, under Japanese rules, the corner is 5 points to B and 18 to W, if it's unresolved at the end of the game.
f3etoiles Well, not exactly :-) In Japanes ruling, it will be counted as seki if it is left unresolved. So White should act (and capture the upper group, as it is slightly bigger).
Robert Pauli: Right, but change his "end" to "stop" and he's right too. Just wonder how he got the "right" figures by taking the wrong side? Guess he assumes 1-1 is White's anyway (19 - 1 = 18) and, just like I first did, forgets three white captives (8 - 3 = 5).