Stating Authors
It is very bad style to state other persons as authors for a page if they have not written large parts of it AND have agreed to be stated as authors. Otherwise a false impression is created as if a person stated as an author would necessarily agree to all the contents. -- Robert Jasiek
This is not a discussion group, where each one takes account for his opinion only. This is a collaboration website. Anyway, if you see your name mentioned where it shouldn't be, just remove it. If you feel your name is constantly used everywhere and you don't know where to start removing it, make a public statement about it. If I am WikiMasterEditing a page and shift all authors to the bottom, I can't first ask if they want to reread and approve. Basically, your remark goes against the spirit of this website - that is, as I interpret it. --DieterVerhofstadt.
If you WikiMasterEdit a page, then you are its author and therefore your name should be at the bottom of that page. If "you" consists of several persons, then several names appear there. However you should simply remove any other names on a prior instance of that page before its master editing. This way honour goes to those who deserve it, no one receives faulty "honour", and the spirit of Wiki is applied. -- Robert Jasiek
Your point is clearer to me now (maybe this is just another day) and clearly it is one possible approach. Stating authors incurs a risk, not stating them incurs another which I fear more, and asking for approval is impractical. When I WikiMasterEdit, I will still mention the authors of the included material and mention myself as W M E. This way, it will be perfectly clear that none of the authors has full responsibility or credit for the whole content. --Dieter
What about distinguishing contributors before and authors after the WikiMasterEdit? -- Robert Jasiek
I for one can live with that. Maybe we should call them 'Contributors' rather than 'Authors'. That seems to be a better definition and more in the Wiki-spirit. --Stefan
'Contributors' is ok. But let's not overdo it. Robert, I know you are addicted to exact definitions, but let's keep things practical and in context. If I read authors on the cover of a book, it's different than seeing authors stated on a wiki page. After all, identities in a wiki are not verified, so this is all a rather academic question. I guess you can see the logic in that. --Arno (who stops dwelling on details as soon as the basic facts are unknown. ;o)