Smart Game Format / How to create Tsumego

Sub-page of SmartGameFormat

jesusin: I have been given some tsumego on paper. I would like to have them in electronic format, so I can distribute them.

I have started to write them (if it does matter, I am using [ext] GoWrite) and I have encountered two problems:

1.- I "place some stones" to set up the initial position and then "make some moves" to show the correct solution. Then I save the file. When someone opens it to solve the tsumego he will find an empty board and he will have to advance move by move till he reaches the initial position, but it is easy to go too far and see the solution before knowing which is the initial position. Is there a means to make him go to the initial position with a single click?

2.- I have a hundred tsumego. Including only one per file would be cumbersome. I would like to have them all in one file if possible but I do not know how to do that. Is it possible? I have tried to include four per file, one in each corner. But then, if the first solution has five moves, then the first move of the second solution is numbered as "6". I would like it to be "1". And then again you do not know when the first solution ends, so you can accidentally see the first move of the second solution. What can I do?

I am sorry my English is so poor, I hope I have been able to explain what my problems are. If it is not clear enough, please ask me.

Thank you very much for your help.

unkx80: For your first question, I suggest using Jago instead. I am not too sure about your second question, but I think you can make each problem as a separate game in some SGF editors, such as Jago, but all stored in a single file.

jesusin: Thanks, I will try it. A worry remains: what if I use Jago and then someone uses another program to open my files?

1. There are two modes in every SGF editor: stone setup/placement and moves. Stone setup will generate AB (Add Black) and AW (Add White) tags. Moves will be coded as B (Black move) and W (White move). If an empty board is displayed initially, then stones one by one, something went wrong, obviously.

2. You can create a variation for each problem at the root. Most SGF editors will be able to display variations, however some are more user friendly than others. MGT and CGoban 1 or 2 are pretty good because they display variations in a tree.

(I prefer to have a single problem per file because it is much more convenient for indexing, linking, loading into GoTools, etc.)

3. About compatibility between editors. There are several versions (latest is SGF 4) and many SGF editors have bugs that may cause incompatibilities. But if you stick to simple tags there shouldn't be any major difficulty.

Smart Game Format / How to create Tsumego last edited by Nico on January 17, 2003 - 13:31
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