Shape Game Solid

    Keywords: Life & Death, Problem, Variant

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The shape game (solid wall version)

The shape game (solid wall version)  

White to move and make a living group. Black to prevent that.

Teaching value

This shows the great power of walls even if they are all the way across the board from the invasion stone.

Expected result

The result of perfect play is not known. Practical tests show it's somewhat balanced with some people saying it's easier for white to live and others saying it's easier for black to kill.

Benjamin: AFAIK, the koreans say it's safely dead - therefore they give white two moves to start with for making it fair.

mafutrct: I've heard the opposite: A friend told me the story of a pro that was asked "How to live on this board?". The pro replied: "How to not live on this board?"

Comparison to ShapeGame

This version removes a lot of confusing side-issues about what happens when white peeps at the side jumps.

See Also


How is this different from simply playing on a 17x17 board? How do the black walls act any differently from board edges?

  • Amtiskaw?: White can't make eyes at the edge of the board, unlike a 17x17 board.

Shape Game Solid last edited by amtiskaw on April 17, 2016 - 18:25
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