Ryobane ( 両バネ ) literally means double hane (but is not used for a Two Step Hane). It is a combination of two hane.
Example 1
The ryobane of and
gives the Black stones an extra liberty, so that Black wins the race to capture. This is an example of the proverb, Ryobane gains one liberty.
Example 2
This example comes from http://www2.tokai.or.jp/tuta/yose.html .
is tesuji. Without the exchange,
, Black could play
And now White can play a ryo-bane in sente. (The two hane are in the previous diagram and
in this diagram.)
Example 3
This example comes from http://igotyuugakusya.hp.infoseek.co.jp/11isinosikatu5.htm .
The combination of and
is a ryobane. This is an example of the proverb, Eight lives.
Example 4
This example comes from http://www.h-eba.com/heba/JITEN/jiten1-5.html. Even with the ryobane White is dead.