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You can find me playing often on KGS, and you can find out a small bit about who I am on my [ext] homepage. You just might catch me playing in public in my home town of Vancouver.

These days I'm [ext] working so I can buy some good Go books.

I specialize in:

  • Software programming: Java, C# (.NET), and Delphi
  • Systems: Linux

What is Go to me?

Go is something else to focus on, when I need a break. Go is fun to play for its own sake. Something to read about and learn about, just because I can. Go has brought me together with strangers from all over the planet, strangers from within my city, and my friends both local and distant.

Obligatory rank graph:

KGS Rank Graph

I first started with KGS and played a few games against people far stronger than I. I subsequently forgot all about KGS while going about my life, during which time my rank (because it is based on how strong the people you play are now) increased. Then I started playing more seriously, and my rank fell to the correct level. Now I can live up to my once fictional rank.

My Shusaku Number is 7: Shusaku -- Shuei -- Shusai -- Iwamoto -- Steve Fawthrop -- Hu -- Quintin Paulson -- repp

repp last edited by repp on January 19, 2004 - 23:41
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