Remarkable corner positions that are either going to be lost or lead to ko or seki

'Bemerkenswerte Eckstellungen, die entweder verloren gehen oder zu Ko oder Seki führen' (in German) from the Leipzig Go web site, translates to "Remarkable corner positions that are either going to be lost or lead to ko or seki"


Eckstellungen [ext] 1-5 [ext] 6-10 [ext] 11-13 [ext] 14 [ext] 15 [ext] 16 [ext] 17-19 (19) error 404

Sadly, these pages are dead (4/'09). I remember of a mirror of these pages, but cannot find it. doesn't have the pages, as they were linked by JavaScript. Possibly I have a private mirror on my HD. RueLue

tderz: Thus, the good news I had hoped for! Thank you.

RueLue (10/2010): I found the files in my private archive; is there someone, who wants to go through them to prepare them for this page (the text in the files is German)? Oh - copyright issue? Some part of the material is from Bruno Rüger's book "Das Go-Spiel". If i shall send you the material, please indicate, if you can open 7z archive!

maruseru [ext] Here is a mirror; the index page is missing but I think all the material is there.

tderz: SUPER, the stuff is better than expected (had a glance). Many thanks!

RueLue: The link for the zipped material gives also error 404 (11-'09)

Remarkable corner positions that are either going to be lost or lead to ko or seki last edited by tapir on July 2, 2013 - 22:21
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