Arno posting for Joost:
Is there (Palm) software with which you can set up a problem by:
I have already downloaded and tried PalmGo? and PalmSGF and asked these program authors if you could do this with their programs and been told "No".
Even leaving out the Saving step (4) they said their software would not allow this.
It seems an obvious way people would want to study GO. Can anyone tell me if this kind of software is available for the Palm?
Zarlan: Ehm.... I'm pretty sure PilotGOne does all that.
Grauniad: PilotGOne does not have a Go engine. It does all the above except that the user has to play both sides. It does make it easy to explore and record different variations, however.
Chris Hayashida: It depends on what the original poster meant by "play mode." If he means a mode where you can take turns playing stones and remove captured ones, then yes, PilotGOne does all of the above.
Zarlan: Yes, that's how I interpreted it. I hadn't even thought of the possibility of using a Go engine.
JR: Yes, that's how I interpreted it. What I'm currently doing is loading diagrams from various books - and then working on solutions.
Another question. It's not clear how to get the database onto a palmpilot (see PilotGOne.) I've followed KRITZ's 4-step directions and can't seem to get past step 1: Step 1 = downloaded the problems in SGF format a) downloaded a 3K file. b) uncompressed it ( which I recognize to be a shell script How do you open/run a shell script on a PC? (Is this even the right file? seems awfully small.)
Chris Hayashida: I haven't downloaded the script, but from the description, it sounds like two things: 1) it's a Unix shell script, and 2) you probably don't have the utilities to run it from a DOS prompt.
You can install Cygwin, but that seems like a lot, especially just to get a script working. I don't think installing a Unix shell on your Windows machine will be enough, as there are probably a lot of utilities that are called by the script which won't be installed.
You might have luck just reading the script, trying to figure out what it's trying to do, and doing it manually.
Sorry for the bad news.
What is an accu? Is it a battery? -- SGBailey
Fuchsnoir: In German an Akku is a rechargeable battery.