
    Keywords: Tournament

(覇王) The Paewang (lit. Emperor) was a major Korean title held from 1959 to 2003.'. It began as the "Five Strong Players' Tournament."[1] The tournament was not held in 1962, '66, 1972-5, 1998 and 2002.

Title holders
Ed. Year Winner Runner up
1st 1959 Cho Nam-ch'eol
2nd 1960 Cho Nam-ch'eol
3rd 1961 Cho Nam-ch'eol
4th 1963 Cho Nam-ch'eol
5th 1964 Cheong Ch'ang-hyeon
6th 1965 Kim In
7th 1967 Kim In
8th 1968 Kim In
9th 1969 Kim In
10th 1970 Kim In
11th 1971 Kim In
12th 1976 Kim In
13th 1977 Cho Hun-hyeon
14th 1978 Cho Hun-hyeon
15th 1979 Cho Hun-hyeon
16th 1980 Cho Hun-hyeon
17th 1981 Cho Hun-hyeon
18th 1982 Cho Hun-hyeon
19th 1983 Cho Hun-hyeon
20th 1984 Cho Hun-hyeon
21st 1985 Cho Hun-hyeon
22nd 1986 Cho Hun-hyeon
23rd 1987 Cho Hun-hyeon
24th 1988 Cho Hun-hyeon
25st 1989 Cho Hun-hyeon
26th 1990 Cho Hun-hyeon
27th 1991 Cho Hun-hyeon
28th 1992 Cho Hun-hyeon
29th 1993 Yi Ch'ang-ho
30th 1994 Yi Ch'ang-ho
31st 1995 Cho Hun-hyeon
32nd 1996 Cho Hun-hyeon
33rd 1997 Cho Hun-hyeon
34th 1999 Cho Hun-hyeon
35th 2000 Yi Ch'ang-ho
36th 2001 Yi Ch'ang-ho
37th 2003 Yu Ch'ang-hyeok


[1] [ext]

Paewang last edited by hnishy on September 17, 2022 - 07:05
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