A match is a contest between players in which a number of games is played to determine a winner.
Common formats, often used in finals of big titles, are best-of-three, best-of-five and best-of-seven. With non-integer komi like 6.5 or 7.5, an odd number of games guarantees a winner, as ties are impossible.
In the days before komi, playing a match of multiple games was also used as a way to offset the starting advantage that black has. In a match between evenly matched opponents, an even number of games without komi is more fair, as that way both can have the starting advantage an equal number of times.
See also
- Jubango, literally "ten game match" in Japanese, common in the Edo period,before tournaments became common, and into the early 20th century.
- Match handicap system, a fine-grained system for determining handicaps in multi-game matches.
- Title match