KidoPrizeWinners/Win Number Records

Sub-page of KidoPrizeWinners

Win Number Records

This was not translated from the Japanese page.

Ties are italicised.

Year Player Record
1967 Sakata Eio 1st Most Outstanding
1967 Takemiya Masaki 1st Outstanding
1967 Rin Kaiho 1st Most Wins
1967 Okubo Ichigen 1st Best Winning Percentage
1967 Okubo Ichigen 1st Best Winning Streak
1967 Iwamoto Kaoru 1st Kiai Prize
1967 Hisai Keishi 1st Technique Prize
1967 Kitani Reiko 1st Women's Prize
1967 Kato Masao 1st New Star Prize
1968 Kitani Reiko 2x Women's Prize
1969 Fujisawa Hideyuki 2x Most Wins
1970 Takemiya Masaki 2x Outstanding
1970 Kato Masao 2x Technique Prize
1970 Kitani Reiko 3x Women's Prize
1971 Ishida Yoshio 2x Most Wins
1972 Sakata Eio 2x Most Outstanding
1972 Kato Masao 2x Most Wins
1973 Rin Kaiho 2x Most Outstanding
1974 Ishida Yoshio 2x Most Outstanding
1974 Cho Chikun 2x Outstanding
1974 Takemiya Masaki 2x Most Wins
1975 Otake Hideo 2x Most Outstanding
1975 Cho Chikun 3x Outstanding
1976 Takemiya Masaki 3x Outstanding
1976 Kato Masao 3x Most Wins
1976 Takemiya Masaki 2x Best Winning Percentage
1976 Kobayashi Koichi 2x Kiai Prize
1977 Kato Masao 2x Most Outstanding
1978 Kato Masao 3x Most Outstanding
1979 Kato Masao 4x Most Outstanding
1979 Cho Chikun 4x Outstanding
1979 Rin Kaiho 3x Most Wins
1979 Cho Chikun 3x Most Wins
1979 Ishida Akira 2x Technique Prize
1979 Ogawa Tomoko 3x Women's Prize
1980 Cho Chikun 4x Most Wins
1980 Kitani Reiko 4x Women's Prize
1982 Kitani Reiko 5x Women's Prize
1983 Rin Kaiho 4x Most Wins
1983 Kobayashi Satoru 2x Best Winning Percentage
1983 Yamashiro Hiroshi 2x Longest Winning Streak
1984 Cho Chikun 4x Most Outstanding
1986 Kato Masao 5x Most Outstanding
1987 Kato Masao 6x Most Outstanding
1987 Cho Chikun 5x Most Wins
1988 Kobayashi Satoru 3x Best Winning Percentage
1990 Yoda Norimoto 2x Technique Prize
1991 Kobayashi Koichi 5x Most Outstanding
1991 Ryu Shikun 1st Most Games Played
1992 Kobayashi Koichi 6x Most Outstanding
1992 Kato Masao 2x Longest Winning Streak
1993 Kobayashi Koichi 7x Most Outstanding
1993 Kato Masao 3x Longest Winning Streak
1993 Ogawa Tomoko 5x Women's Prize
1994 Kobayashi Satoru 4x Best Winning Percentage
1995 Takemiya Masaki 4x Outstanding
1995 Kato Masao 2x Most Games Played
1996 Yoda Norimoto 4x Outstanding
1998 Cho Chikun 7x Most Outstanding
1998 Yamashita Keigo 2x Most Games Played
1998 Yoda Norimoto 1st International Prize
1999 Cho Chikun 8x Most Outstanding
1999 Kobayashi Koichi 4x Outstanding
1999 Yoda Norimoto 2x International Prize
2000 Yoda Norimoto 5x Outstanding
2000 Yamashita Keigo 3x Most Games Played
2003 Yoda Norimoto 6x Outstanding
2004 Yamashita Keigo 4x Most Games Played
2006 Yamashita Keigo 5x Most Games Played
2006 Yoda Norimoto 2x International Prize
2008 Cho U 5x Most Wins
2010 Xie Yimin 5x Women's Prize
2010 Yamashita Keigo 6x Most Games Played
2011 Xie Yimin 6x Women's Prize
2012 Yamashita Keigo 6x Outstanding
2012 Xie Yimin 7x Women's Prize
2015 Iyama Yuta 5x Most Wins
2015 Xie Yimin 8x Women's Prize
2016 Xie Yimin 9x Women's Prize
2017 Ichiriki Ryo 3x International Prize
2019 Iyama Yuta 8x Most Outstanding
2020 Iyama Yuta 9x Most Outstanding
2020 Ichiriki Ryo 4x International Prize
2021 Iyama Yuta 10x Most Outstanding
2021 Ichiriki Ryo 5x International Prize

KidoPrizeWinners/Win Number Records last edited by hnishy on November 9, 2022 - 04:13
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