Keyword template

    Keywords: SL description


This template is for adding keywords that are not in the keyword list (see list on right when editing a page).

Use {{keyword|foo}} on a page to add the keyword "foo" to it.

Add a {{ special:search | parameter=Keyword:1 | value = foo }} below, and put it in a section named "foo"

Table of contents

Pages with a specific keyword


All pages that contain the keyword template

axd: I add a remark here rather than in the discussion page because it is intended to be removed, or replaced by an explanation on why the template/keyword itself does not appear on the host page. The keyword itself seems to be interesting information, that is currently only discovered when editing the page. Why can't the template generate at least a link to Keyword template, where the user can then consult the list of other pages with that keyword?

Keyword template last edited by tapir on June 20, 2014 - 15:13
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