Kaizens Heavy Plastering


Kaizen's Heavy Plastering (快禅の大塗り Kaizen no oonuri) is a famous, large-scale sacrifice position worked out in the 1780's by amateur player, Komatsu Kaizen. The result is that the player who is sacrificing gains monstrous influence. The position is briefly discussed in: A Compendium of Trick Plays (p. 144), Invincible - The Games of Shusaku (pp. 86-7) and Utilizing Outward Influence (pp. 25-6).

Mvs. 1-10  
Mvs. 11-20  
Mvs. 21-30  

W22 is a good defensive tesuji. However W28 is a mistake, falling into the trap.

Mvs. 31-40  
Mvs. 41-50  
Mvs. 51-60  
Mvs. 61-65  
End position  

Black has got overwhelming whole-board influence (as well as many ko threats starting with a and b) in return for 40+ points of White territory.

kmr - this whole sequence is very suspicious. Assuming black has ladder, its much easier to kill white playing B19 at 24 and killing white stones in ladder. However if ladder is not good for black, then white move 28 just helps black. White should play at 30 immediately, and black has no chance to kill white or squeez them (unless i miss sth).


hnishy You're right, White should have played W28 here. Black's attempt B31 fails to W32, assuming the ladder to the lower left is bad for Black (according to Hashimoto Utaro).

Variation alt  

Now, after nice hane B1, if ladder is not good for black, he should play probably either ladder breaker at lower left gaining sth there for loss at upper side, or play "a" forcing white to either take 3 stones (bad for white), or jump to "b" (but thats low and black is gaining more powerful ko threats there, and fix his shape). But anyway, if ladder is good for black, white cant allow this, must play W14 at 15. If bad for black, then he should not cut 2 white stones (unless hoping for swindle).

Kaizens Heavy Plastering last edited by hnishy on May 28, 2024 - 00:50
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