KGS Teaching Ladder / Games List 2

Sub-page of KGSTeachingLadder

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This is the list of teaching games given in the KGS Teaching Ladder. Each month the player who teaches the most games will be receive a number of teaching sessions with Vegetarian (5d) according to the following (see the disclaimer at the bottom of the page) :

  • 1-3 games receives 1 teaching session
  • 4-6 games receives 2 teaching sessions
  • 7-10 games receives 3 teaching sessions
  • 11-20 games receives 4 teaching sessions
  • >20 games receives 5 teaching sessions

This challenge has been so successful this month (April) that I am going to throw out a new challenge for next month. The offer of teaching games for the person with the most teaching games will be made for May also (but the same person cannot win again) AS LONG AS the total number of teaching games in May exceeds the total in April by at least 50 games. Vegetarian

If you wish to be a teacher please add your details here and update the counter below (teachers are listed according to rank). You should give your KGS handle (with a link to your SL page if you have one), rank and optional comments. When you play a game add the result and update the game counter given on the next line. You should also provide a link to the game in the KGS archives. Any of the existing entries can be used as a template. Please do not include any games where the student is less than 3 stones weaker than the teacher - those are not of as much value.

Number of teachers listed: Total games this month:

This is just a list of games. There is no contest per se. There is the added bonus that I (Vegetarian) will offer some teaching games to the person who does the most teaching - if they want it. But this page is primarily a record of games which were played in the KGS Teaching Ladder together with links to those games so that others my look over them and gain from them. Sort of like a KGS online version of GTL. At the end of the month all games listed will be moved to the KGS Teaching Ladder / Archives.

KGS Teaching Ladder / Games List 2 last edited by Drimgere on May 2, 2004 - 05:07
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