Izawa Akino

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(井澤 秋乃, born 1978-10-31) Female 4 dan of the Nihon Kiin Kansai branch. Was promoted 1 dan, then 2 dan in the same year, in 1998, 3 dan in 2001, 4 dan in 2007, 5 dan in 2021 (with 70 wins on 2 February). Her husband is Takanashi Seiken 9p.

Winner of the 6th Kansai Ladies' Tournament in 2007.

In 2008 reached 200 wins in her career.

In 2017, she was the challengers' runner up in the 30th Female Meijin.

Several games of her at [ext] http://www.web2go.idv.tw/gopro/psnx_list.php?id=363

Izawa Akino last edited by Jono64a on June 14, 2024 - 06:51
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