
    Keywords: People, Clubs & Places

Note: the domain seems to have lapsed as of 4/26/12, picked up by one of those scumbags that takes them up as soon as they're available. Who knows if they'll pay the ransom to buy it back... Sad day. :(

Igolocal is a Physical Go Server, Location service and Scheduling system by Chuck Thomas in 2010. The system makes heavy use of the Google Maps API with a phpBB backend, and lots of custom PHP and javascript.

Igolocal's [ext] original announcement on 30 July 2010:

Starting today, the question: "Where are all the Go players?" finally has an answer.
Announcing Igolocal.net, the first Physical Go Server and worldwide Go location service.
From IgoLocal, you can:
- Directly find local Go players who match your rank
- Challenge them to Games by tagging a time and location on the map
- Create open games for anybody in your area to accept
- Find and Join local Go clubs
- Create a Go Club that will be seen by the entire world
- Manage your local schedule of Go-related activities
- Register so that other Go players in your area can find you
- Use a localized interface is English, German or Japanese, with more languages to come
You can see a complete tutorial and description of the features of Igolocal at:
[ext] http://www.igolocal.net/how_to_use.php
The days of sitting home at the computer are coming to an end - It's time to Go Local.


Update 2013-11-03: There is a new Google map project with the same aim – see World Go Clubs Maps. ___

Update 2016-05-04: There is now an [ext] online database of go clubs which you can edit, and which feeds into [ext] this map.

Igolocal last edited by PJTraill on April 24, 2019 - 18:27
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