Holigor / AJapanese Book Shop

Sub-page of Holigor

I went to Kinokuniya. It has tens of thousands of books. It is very difficult to find a book if you cannot read Japanese. Figured out that they should be not far from the book with a golf club. Found two shelves of booklets. Different difficulty judging by diagrams. Bought three. 22nd Meijin (Cho vs. Kobayashi). A book on fuseki, unfortunately not very practical because there are no star point moves in it. And a book of problems.

It will be very difficult with two first books because there is a lot of text there. I will have to learn to guess what is good and what is bad.

The third one is fascinating and humiliating at the same time. I have a feeling that I've seen these some of these positions. In my games. Blew them, of course. The book has an author. I can compare characters. Cho Chikun he is. Problems are quite difficult for me. I don't see solutions at a glance. Intermediate to difficult.

I regret to admit that I lost this one recently.


Holigor / AJapanese Book Shop last edited by Dieter on April 16, 2021 - 15:47
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