Hayashi Sano

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(林佐野, 1825–1901) Female professional go player, adopted by the Hayashi go house. 1 dan in 1840, 3 dan in 1846 and 4 dan in 1879 at Hoensha. In 1879 the head of the Hayashi go house was a 5 dan. Retired from active play in 1890.

She adopted and taught Kita Fumiko who taught most of the female go professionals in Japan before the second world war. A commentary on a handicap game between Sano and Shuho can be found in Masterpieces of Handicap Go, Volume 1.

Hayashi Sano last edited by 2603:9001:6e0b:2694 on July 14, 2024 - 21:42
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