(attempt by tapir)
JoelR: This connects, but white saves the two stones. What if black starts with ?
Dieter: thanks Joel for challenging the attempt, rewakening my uncomfortable feeling that the solution would involve a dumpling shape. Then I saw this hane and wedge, fitting the overall theme of this part of the series: wedging into the one space jump
Tapir: What's wrong with a white dumpling shape, when it is Black to play? As Black I would prefer an eyeless white dumpling over capturing two more stones but giving a ponnuki. (I recognize in my attempt White captures the two stones with a dumpling shape, but a real eye.)
Dieter: I was thinking of this , but indeed it is unlikely Black will not respond to . But the real indication something was wrong with the attempt you posted (and I would have posted if you had not) is the fact that is not used.
tapir: It is a little special to infer the solution from things like the stone at . However, in fact the first attempt leads to a "big ponnuki" (see diagram: continuation) which can't be worse for White than the standard ponnuki in the hane and wedge diagram, especially when Black territory is smaller too. And both sides looks quite dango-esque with the 2x2 squares. As often the problem is that I stop reading too early. Joels move simply doesn't work, I believe.