- This in my opinion refutes B 15 as white's response, but then again so does C 17. I do believe this is the correct first move, but we need a correct 'main line' to go into the solution. Here's what I've got:
This 1 below (diag "kmr proposition) looks like work too, however if Hnishy did not called this problem unsound cuz of duals, i guess it does not work ;).
White's 1 move is the key. [ kmr - Which white 1 is key? in diagram called "corner" below? This 1 looks like huge mistake, must be some typo] Black then may respon with any number of moves, but it is futile if played correctly.
LukeNine45: This is ko after Black at a next, no? Can you refute the solution given at attempts?
LukeNine45: Also what are the refutations to the two natural responses?