Get Strong at Nigiri

    Keywords: Humour

For players that want to improve their nigiri skills :)

Getting Strong at Nigiri

  • My secret method on winning nigiri against players from eastern neighbouring country

I assume that this is a JOKE?!?! - Anon

Hikaru79: You assume correctly. All of the "Get Strong At" books listed on this page are jokes. Good ones, too, if you ask me.

Why do you think so? It makes me assume, that you haven't been in that country.

Gringo: Do we have to explain the joke for you then? ;-)

I guess you are tempting me to reveal the method.

RobertJasiek: To extend the joke according to Pierre Colmez's observation, there is objective skill involved in nigiri. Always guess odd if you want Black! It is more likely that the number is odd because numbers of stones start with 1, which is odd, alternate parity, and are finite (one can take at most a finite number of stones in one's hand).

okvonnegut: Couldn't the person selecting (as opposed to the person guessing even/odd) counter this strategy by selecting an even number of stones a small percentage of times more often than odd? (If she wanted to be Black as well.) And then to counter this, the guessing person would have to select more even than odd, in which case the selecting person would detect this and again compensate? :) I think real nigiri theory would read a bit like advanced rock-scissors-paper strategy.

liopic: I have this book in my bookshelf! It's a great one. [ext]

Get Strong at Nigiri last edited by on February 23, 2010 - 13:07
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