Get Strong At Joseki / Errata
Get Strong At Joseki 1 (Second Printing November 2002)
- page vii
- Correction: Swapped and from original positions.
- Corrected diagram to match text.
- p90
- Wrong: ...White 16 becoms the biggest point on the board.
- Right: ...White 16 becomes the biggest point on the board.
- p137, Answer 145, correct answer text.
- Wrong: If Black defends at 2, Black jumps to 3, taking the territory in the top left corner.
- Right: If White defends at 2, Black jumps to 3, taking the territory in the top left corner.
Get Strong At Joseki 2 (First Printing January 1996)
- page vii
- Correction: Swapped and from original positions.
- page iv, 4th paragraph
- Wrong: ... you are required to come up with an inovative move.
- Right: ... you are required to come up with an innovative move.
- page viii, aji paragraph
- Wrong: possiblities
- Right: possibilities.
- p4, comment for Dia.3
- Wrong: When Black plays at 6 A , White C is optional.
- Right: When Black plays 6 at A, White C is optional.
- p6, comment for Dia.1
- Wrong: It is one the most complicated of all Josekis and is ...
- Right: It is one of the most complicated of all Josekis and is ...
- p24, problem 17, correct answer
- Wrong: Black has to connect with 4, so White gets sente; a fight starts with Black 5 and White 6.
- Right: Black has to connect with 4, so White gets sente; a fight starts with White 5 and Black 6.
- p50, problem 50, failure
- Wrong: Moreover, it doesn't reduce Black's liberites, so it has less punch than the correct answer.
- Right: Moreover, it doesn't reduce Black's liberties, so it has less punch than the correct answer.
- p60, reference for solution 61
- Wrong: 22,25: takes ko
- Right: 22,25,28: takes ko
- Wrong: This joseki was played in Shusaku'sthe famous ear-reddening-move game.
- Right: This joseki was played in Shusaku's famous ear-reddening-move game.
- p78, solution 84 diagram
- Label 'a' missing from diagram.
- p79, problem 88.
- Wrong: Black 3 and 5 are in the wrong order.
- Right: White 3 and 5 are in the wrong order.
- p87, problem 97, missing from diagram.
- p93, problem 102.
- Wrong: After this move Black is unable to play the sequence to E aim shown in the correct answer.
- Right: After this move Black is unable to play the sequence to E shown in the correct answer.
- p115, Failure comments for solution 124
- Wrong: shouder
- Right: shoulder
- p134, problem 138.
- Wrong: Although White 1 looks mild, it is the appropriate move in this postion.
- Right: Although White 1 looks mild, it is the appropriate move in this position.
Get Strong At Joseki 3 (First Printing May 1996)
- page vii
- Correction: Swapped and from original positions.
- p19, Answer 4.
- Wrong: Black swallows up the marked stone and take a huge profit on the right.
- Right: Black swallows up the marked stone and takes a huge profit on the right.
- p38, problem 24, failure
- Wrong: After Black 3, White will answer Black A with White B, so Black C will be not be a severe move.
- Right: After Black 3, White will answer Black A with White B, so Black C will not be a severe move.
- p38, problem 25, correct answer
- Wrong: You should note, however, that although this a joseki, it is rarely played in even games.
- Right: You should note, however, that although this is a joseki, it is rarely played in even games.
- p63, Answer 54, failure title.
- Wrong: 5: connects the ko
- Right: 5: takes the ko
- p66, Answer 56, failure text.
- Wrong: After White 10, Black threatens to capture two stones in a ladder at A or to take a big corner with B.
- Right: After White 10, White threatens to capture two stones in a ladder at A or to take a big corner with B.
- p117, Answer 110.
- Wrong: Black gets a large territory in the corner, while White get thickness in the center in return.
- Right: Black gets a large territory in the corner, while White gets thickness in the center in return.
- p121, Answer 115.
- Wrong: White 1 is a light move, as are 3 and 5 in reponse to Black 2 and 4. White intends to sacrifice his two marked stones.
- Right: White 1 is a light move, as are 3 and 5 in response to Black 2 and 4. White intends to sacrifice his two marked stones.
- p124, Problem 117.
- Dubious: Book gives date of 1985.
- Perhaps: SmartGo game database reference s1982-08-11na indicates a date of 1982.
- Caveat: Insufficent evidence to indicate which source correct.
- p127, Answer 120.
- Wrong: This move drew hgh praise from Otake Hideo.
- Right: This move drew high praise from Otake Hideo.
- p131, Answer 123.
- Wrong: Black should extend to 1, exposing the thinness the marked stones and taking territory on the left.
- Right: Black should extend to 1, exposing the thinness of the marked stones and taking territory on the left.
- p143, Problem 135.
- Dubious: Book gives date of 1984.
- Perhaps: SmartGo game database reference s1986-03-27nd indicates a date of 1986.
- Caveat: Insufficent evidence to indicate which source correct.
- p147, Problem 138.
- Wrong: However, Black 1 iss a new move.
- Right: However, Black 1 is a new move.
- p156, Answer 142, failure 1
- Wrong: We have seen this postion before in Part 1, but White had a stone at A and Black had one at B.
- Right: We have seen this position before in Part 1, but White had a stone at A and Black had one at B.
- p161, Answer 148, failure.
- Wrong: Black plays 4 and the postion reverts to the correct answer of Problem 143.
- Right: Black plays 4 and the position reverts to the correct answer of Problem 143.
- p192, Answer 179, failure.
- Wrong: Black 1 and 3 are natural moves for building up a moyo, but unfortunately White catches the six black stone on the lower right with 4.
- Right: Black 1 and 3 are natural moves for building up a moyo, but unfortunately White catches the six black stones on the lower right with 4.