Felix Dueball

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Felix Dueball (1880–1970) was a German Go player.

Dueball, taught by Segoe, reached amateur 2-dan. Felix Dueball played Hatoyama Ichiro in the first international telegraph game in 1936.

In 1964 Dueball was the co-recipient of the inaugural Japanese Okura Prize, which is given for contributions towards dissemination and promotion of Go.

His son, Fritz Dueball (around European 2-dan, 3 times European Champion (1957–1959), playing in [ext] Berlin, in the small Weddinger Go Club), and late (2002) grandson Jürgen Dueball (5 dan, European Go vice-champion and Chess professional, International Master: he had an international rating of 2574 and ranked nr. 92 in the world in 1985) were Go and Bridge players too.

Three generations spanning the time from Oscar Korschelt to the 3rd millennium, all involved in Go.

External links

[ext] History of Go in Europe 1880-1945

[ext] German Wikipedia Article


18.03.1930: [ext] Emanuel Lasker - Felix Dueball Dead link

07.06.1930: [ext] Felix Dueball - Honinbo Shusai

Lasker is at the left, to the right is Felix Dueball

"Das Foto zeigt Lasker bei einer Go-Partie mit Felix Dueball in dessen Wohnung am Friedrich-Karl-Platz 14 (heute Klausenerplatz 5) in Charlottenburg am 07. März 1930. Im Hintergrund steht Fritz Dueball (ältester Sohn von Felix) und vorne sitzt noch Dr. Rosenwald aus München. " (Image by: [ext] http://www.lasker-gesellschaft.de/partien/partien.html)

tderz: Emanuel Lasker is at the left, to the right is Felix Dueball.
I played more than 50 years later with Fritz Dueball (the boy in the picture) when we were both member of the Weddinger Go Club in Berlin. He was 2d then, and me an eagerly learning student.

anon Just a correction: Jürgen Dueball's FIDE rating in 1985 was 2445 (see [ext] http://www.olimpbase.org/Elo/player/Dueball,%20Juergen.html). This is quite a good rating but only made him around 286th in the world at the time (see [ext] http://www.olimpbase.org/Elo/Elo198507e.html).

Felix Dueball last edited by Jono64a on July 3, 2024 - 05:07
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