Feigning foolishness
Feigning foolishness - Play dumb while remaining smart. The smartest people do not always let on how smart they are. The less smart who think they are smart often act recklessly when it would be wiser to feign foolishness while biding their time.
Tas: What is the purpose of this page?
Herman Hiddema: It is one of the 36 stratagems from the Secret Art of War. Most of those stratagems may be applicable to go, although they could benefit from examples :)
LukeNine45: This is what you do when you play bangneki with some random old Korean guy. You'll still lose, 'cause he's doing it too, and he's better than you at it. (/humor)
OneWeirdDude: Are there any good examples and/or interpretations of this? Dose it mean that if you really don't know what to do, even if you think you do, you should move elsewhere, or even Pass?
Adalam: I think it's more along the lines of not making serious moves until your opponent lets their guard down.