Ed Poor

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Hi, I'm Ed Poor from Wikipedia. (I usually sign comments there as "Uncle Ed").

I was a professional computer programmer, very strong in developing novel ideas; but I'm a weak go player (around 12k on KGS). As BigMetalGuy I've posted a couple dozen problems on goproblems.com (mostly copied from Hitachi, but I stopped when I got no reply to repeated requests for permission).

I like to help beginners (yes, there are even weaker players than me!) advance up the ranks. I'm also interested in computer go, if I can find a project to join.

I finally made my own computer go program on KGS: HelloBot, which plays at about 26k (always beats IdiotBot and often beats WeakBot, but that's not saying much). Then I rewrote it as LadderBot? - which has all sorts of bugs and weaknesses!

I usually log in to KGS as HelloCoder or EasyCoder.

Ed Poor last edited by EdPoor on December 6, 2023 - 23:03
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