Dictionary of Basic Fuseki, Vol. 3 / Errata
Refers to 'First English Printing January 2008'.
- p13, diagram 10.
- Missing white stone at R12 ?
- p23, reference figure 4.
- Dubious: Book gives date of 1956.
- Perhaps: SmartGo game database reference s1964-04-30na indicates date of 1964.
- Caveat: Insufficent evidence to indicate which source correct.
- p28, 4th paragraph.
- Poor grammar: The difference is between the fencing-in tactic of black 1 in Diagram 7.
- Perhaps: Contrast with the fencing-in tactic of black 1 in Diagram 7.
- p33.
- Unfortunate flow: Black 67 was big in terms of avoiding the white forcing play at A. However, white then jumped to the good point of 64 and enclosed territory with 68, getting a substantial position.
- Perhaps: Black 67 was big in terms of avoiding the white forcing play at A. However, white's jump to the good point of 64 and enclosure of territory with 68, gave white a substantial position.
- p37, 4th paragraph.
- Dubious: White 14 and the following plays were made with the idea of striking through the knight in the upper right corner shown in the next figure, ...
- Perhaps: White 14 and the following plays were made with the idea of striking through the knight's play in the upper right corner shown in the next figure, ...
- p47, 2nd paragraph.
- Wrong: ... the stones that have playd out have, on the contrary, become a burden.
- Right: ... the stones that have played out have, on the contrary, become a burden.
- p49, last paragraph.
- Wrong: In response to black's pincer at 9, white attached at 10, and with white pressing at 22 and the following plays, a new pattern result.
- Right: In response to black's pincer at 9, white attached at 10, and with white pressing at 22 and the following plays, a new pattern resulted.
- p69, diagram 11.
- Black 8 mentioned in the text doesn't appear on the diagram.
- p80, diagram 1.
- The white stone on the 3-3 point seems odd to me. Perhaps it shouldn't be there. A dan player or owner of the original Kihon Fuseki Jiten in Japanese might have a better idea whether this is correct or not.
- p81, ref. fig. 1.
- Wrong: Black played at the star point with 5, conscious of ...
- Right: Don't know, but Black 5 was clearly played on the 3-4 point. Perhaps "Black played below the star point with 5, conscious of ..."
- Dubious: White: Murase Shuho 2 kyu (18th hereditary Honinbo); Black: Takahasi Kinesaburo 5 kyu
- Perhaps: 2kyu & 5kyu where one is Honinbo seems surprising to me. Maybe one or both were dan players instead?
- p88
- Wrong: Here, the diagonal play of white was an attrition strategy, again indicative of Sakata's confidence is being able to survive.
- Right: Here, the diagonal play of white was an attrition strategy, again indicative of Sakata's confidence at being able to survive.
- p107, Reference figure 3.
- Wrong: Book gives date of 1953.
- Right: SmartGo game database reference s1895-12-10na indicates date of 1895
- p144, 1st paragraph.
- Wrong: This is a game form the jubango between Dochi, who assumed the leaderhip of the House of Honinbo at an early age, and inseki, who later became Meijin.
- Right: This is a game from the jubango between Dochi, who assumed the leaderhip of the House of Honinbo at an early age, and Inseki, who later became Meijin.
- p156, 2nd paragraph.
- Wrong: The attitude was that if the two black stones in the upper area were going to be attack, then go ahead and try to attack them.
- Right: The attitude was that if the two black stones in the upper area were going to be attacked, then go ahead and try to attack them.
- p157, Reference Figure 2.
- Dubious: at K18.
- Perhaps: at L18.
- (I have concluded this by reference to SmartGo game s1766-12-06na. It is possible the SmartGo database game record is incorrect.)
- p161, 2nd paragraph.
- Wrong: Black made the one point pincer with 9, and white repled with the fencing-in tactic at 10.
- Right: Black made the one point pincer with 9, and white replied with the fencing-in tactic at 10.
- p176, Diagram 1 commentary.
- Wrong: If white simply made the pincer at 1 with making the fencing-in tactic first, black would jump to 2, and if white played the fencing-in tactic after that, black would counterattack with 4 and 6.
- Right: If white simply made the pincer at 1 without making the fencing-in tactic first, black would jump to 2, and if white played the fencing-in tactic after that, black would counterattack with 4 and 6.
- p180, Label for diagram 9 missing.
- Wrong: Diagram
- Right: Diagram 9
- p188, Diagram 3. Label missing & wrong diagram.
- The contents of diagram 3 should be put in diagram 4. The correct contents for diagram 3 that would match the associated text need to be found and put in diagram 3.
- p188, Diagram 4.
- This should match the current contents of diagram 3, i.e. the stone needs to be added.
- p200, penultimate paragraph.
- Wrong: White plunged into black's position with 32, and then the extension of black 33 was an usual defense that defied convention.
- Right: White plunged into black's position with 32, and then the extension of black 33 was an unusual defense that defied convention.
- p200, last sentence.
- Difficult: Black strained with a painstaking play here, but it was just because of that white was given a flaw to exploit.
- Perhaps: Black strained with a painstaking play here, but just because of that, white was given a flaw to exploit.
- p203.
- Wrong: Black played out on the lower side with 73 and the following plays, and then captured black's stones on a large scale with 78, achieving a big success.
- Right: Black played out on the lower side with 73 and the following plays, and then white captured black's stones on a large scale with 78, achieving a big success.
- p216, blank page.
- While no content appears to be missing, this is a curious choice. It may have been intended for reference diagrams at one time. Perhaps it should be removed.