Colin Jacobs
I took the liberty (pun intended) of adding this page for myself ( mainly so I can put Go questions and diagrams here and point tolerant masters here to help me with them.
I play as coljac on DragonGoServer. I'd love a game if you have time. I also play as coljac on KGS and am looking for instruction always.
I made an app that monitors DGS for me and tells me when I have turns to do. Trivial, but useful (to me).
I was once a 10kyu player, then life intervened. I'm trying to get back there now. I play/will play as coljac online, DGS and KGS mainly at the moment.
I used to be the webmaster and member of the BerkeleyGoClub when I was an expat in California.
For now take a look at the Go rules that came with my a travel Go set I bought. As you will see, I did not achieve Go mastery by reading these rules.