Club Of Sad Go Players
The community without borders for go players sad with their go. And therefore the club that makes you a happy go player again.
Member List
- Toojdwin? Stuck between 12 and 13 kyu.
- lemontea? Never get a single problem on this wiki correct, except beginner problem 01 and may be some basic stuff...
Wenni: Hello Lemontea, don't worry with increasing strength you'll get along much better with these. Keep practicing and have fun.
unkx80: lemontea, don't take it too hard. A number of people have complained that a number of problems I posted in the beginner exercises were too hard for that series. So you know what this means.
- Warble? Sad, too ... but getting happier now
Wenni: Hi Warble, welcome to the club and good luck getting happier
- MichaelLesniak: Hmm, after losing three games in a row very high I think I'd become a good member of this club :(. Hopefully, it gets better...
- Malweth Sad for now... sad because I don't have as much time... and sad because I realize how little I understand.
- Halfling Sad about everything, including her go :( (she is just saying that - Halflings are never sad :) )
Wenni: Hi Halfling, a warm welcome :-)
Halfling: Thanks, Wenni : )
- LukeNine45 Never better than 17 or 18 kyu :(
Wenni: Hi LukeNine45, welcome aboard ;-)
LukeNine45: Thank you. :)
- Chingu, honorary happy go player member, inofficial club sensei
- Siedes, sad with her Go but happy with her life
- Summersalt, lifetime member and vice president
- Wenni founder and president
Rationale for the Club of Sad Go Players (CSGP)
Every go player is stuck at some level from time to time and might therefore - or for any other reason - be unhappy with her/his go. The CSGP is there to help - you are not alone.
CSGP doesn't hold regular meetings, charges no fee and has it's roots in the mutual support and the community feelings it might create. It is open to any individual playing go regardless of strength, experience or whatever.
Join CSGP today, it is free, easy and good
Joining is easy: Just add yourself on the member list above - and with the click on the 'save' button you are a member of the slowly growing community of happy-again-to-be go players. With joining you are under no obligation at all - you may leave at any time, will never be charged anything or - god forbid - receive any spam from CSGP, but you will be playing in the knowledge to be a member of a community which is there to help: You are not alone.
Have fun and good games
Go Barriers
Wenni: See, you are not alone ;-). Thanks eng60340 for the input. More on this topic can be found at BottleneckTheories.
You ever wanted to know what CSGP means? Club of sad go players, of course, but there's more to it as you could see at OtherNamesOfCSGP;-).
LukeNine45: If I'm happy with my go now, can I stay in the club? :) I'm sure to be sad again in the future... :(
Wenni: Sure you can - glad to hear that you are happy :-)
Some links to cheer you all up...