ChessWhiz Against Dieter Verhofstadt

    Keywords: Ongoing game

Game started on May 30, 2002, with a 9-stone handicap.

I resign. Sorry for the inconvenience caused by my neglecting this game. You have gotten too strong and I don't have the discipline for correspondence games anyway. Thanks. Dieter

ChessWhiz: Thank you for the game. I hope to be able to play you sometime on KGS!

Game over - White resigns  

Moves 21-30  

B28: Stop the kikashi! :-)

B26: This seems natural.

B24: The two squared stones are very valuable to me, as they keep all your stones separated and weak.

B22: My initial reaction.

Moves 11-20  

B20: I value my B12 stone quite a bit, as it keeps your weak right group separate from the left.

B18: Ok, do what you want to my B12 stone. :-)

B16: Hane if attached.

B14: Destroying (hopefully!) any possible base of the marked stone.

B12: Boshi against the marked stone. This move seems to coordinate well with B10.

Moves 1-10  

B 10: Separating W9 from the rest of the weak white stones.

W9: Where do those 9 stones advantage come from?

B 6: Attacking W1.

B 4: Strengthening the corner.

ChessWhiz Against Dieter Verhofstadt last edited by ProtoDeuteric on February 22, 2005 - 03:59
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