Once again, I'm sorry for the delay, I got sick then got behind in a ton of other stuff. IF you want the full story, me and two friends went on an overnight hike up Mount Greylock on the Appalachian trail in Wester Massachusetts and were woefully underprepared for the weather. I got sick, but I'm better now. :-) --BlueWyvern
Sorry I took so long in updating the games, I wasn't feeling all that well for a couple of days. Thanks again for helping you, I most appreciate it. --BlueWyvern --- So one of the things I'd thought I'd take a look at is the trains of thought that human players have when they are playing. That's what this page is for. If you'd like to help me out, I'd really appreciate it. Below is a list of games. If you want to help, add a link to your game below. What I'd like to do is play one game with anyone who wants, like the public games, and at each juncture I would like whoever I am playing to write down a stream of conciousness concerning each of their moves, and what they were thinking and considering at each point, where they are expecting thier opponent to play next, where they are hoping thier opponent will play next etc. If you do decide to help me, please leave your approximate rank, and your name, so I can credit you when I get to my write up. :-)
HolIgor: Your explanation is not clear. Do you want us to comment on the choice of the move? In that case, who's playing dummy1 and dummy2? Why only half of the moves are commented and the other half is not? You may remove this note after explaining your thought.
BlueWyvern: Sorry about that... Dummy game 1 and 2 were just supposed to be examples of what I am looking for. No one is actually playing them. The reason only half of the moves are commented, is I am hoping to examine fairly thoroughly what is going through peoples heads as they play a game. So each game should be sort of an inner monologue on the game by the person playing it who is not me. I understand that this might give me some insight into where to move next, but that's not the point of the game, and I may play some irregular moves every once in a while to see how people think when they are confronted with them. My grand goal is to come up with one or more feasible models a computer could use in a go opening. I hope that clears things up. Also, it'd be better to name the games after yourself then dummy. :-)
Again, thank you very much all of you who are helping out.
The Games