BillSpightsElfPositionalJudgmentExercises/Game 2 ELf's Solution

Game 2.

This was a no komi game between Go Seigen (W) and Mitsuhara Itaro, 7 dan in June, 1950 (GoGoD 1950-06-00b). OC, Elf assumes area scoring with a 7½ pt. komi. From that perspective after W40 Black has an estimated winrate of 91½% (26.3k playouts). However, it was White, Go Seigen, who won by resignation.

BTW, as Uberdude suggested, white+circle was an approach to the bottom right corner, resulting in a Kobayashi style joseki there.

Go Seigen (W) vs. Mitsuhara Itaro  

Note: In reviewing no komi games with the Elf commentary, I have observed that often White takes an inferior position early in the game, assuming komi. OC, objectively things are even worse for White with no komi. It has long been known that with no komi White makes inferior plays in order to create chances, but I was surprised how far White went in that regard. Plainly, the results justified such play. For instance, Go Seigen won this game by resignation.

But to develop our positional judgement in the days of komi, we assume a 7½ pt. komi. Therefore, moves that Elf regards as errors by White are not necessarily errors in a no komi game. :)

White 24 combines attack and extension, a 13% error  

W24 is a case in point. As a dual purpose move, it is obviously a good play in a no komi game. :) So why does Elf regard it as an error?

Invade Black's sphere of influence  

white+circle = W34

Elf recommends the invasion with W24. This diagram shows Elf's main line. B25 secures Black's group. Then W26 - W34 is a flow of the stones resulting in White taking territory on the bottom side.

A 22% loss  

W32 may be an error, even in a no komi game. In the game Black played B33 at a, but Elf recommends the play on the 3d line, which makes a base with the black+circle stones and forms a moyo with Black's wall to the right. After W34 pushes through the gap, Black plays B35 with sente and then switches to the 3d line attachment against the top left corner.

Double sente  

The main reason I think that W32 in the game may have been a mistake at no komi go, as well, is that Elf treats W32 in its mainline as a double sente (209k playouts). In which case White should have played it right away. B35 is an interesting attack. A pincer, resulting in a run-run to the center, would be bad for Black, given White's strong wall. W40 pushes the fight into the center. Simply taking territory would not be good enough.

BillSpightsElfPositionalJudgmentExercises/Game 2 ELf's Solution last edited by on November 25, 2019 - 17:46
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