BillSpightsElfPositionalJudgmentExercises/Game 15 ELf's Solution

My discussion of Elf's commentary on Game 15

Kim Tongyeop, 9 dan (W) - Kim Ilhwan, 9 dan, 2018-08-07a

After B29 Elf estimates a Black winrate of 94½% with 23k playouts. Black, Kim Ilhwan, won by 3½ pts.

Black is ahead  

In the bottom left corner White has made life and also has a weakish group in the center, a not uncommon joseki pattern. It seems that White's corner life is too small, or its center group is too weak, or both.

Elf's mainline continuation after B29  

W30 cuts in the center, and then White pushes Black towards White's floating stones. It looks like White's plan is sacrifice some or all of his weak stones.

Elf's mainline after B29, continued  

W40 is a nice tesuji. W42 makes a table shape. OC, now Black a can capture some White stones. If B41 connects at 42, White makes a bamboo joint at b. So it appears that White is not going to sacrifice any of his original floating stones.

Earlier in the game.

Joseki, but . . . .  

W6 - B13 is joseki. but Elf reckons that White loses 16%; W6 loses 8% and W8 also loses 8%.

Kosumi for W6  

Bots do not like premature pincers. Elf prefers the kosumi respones for W6. Then Black approaches the top left corner and White plays the kick and extend joseki. Not long ago B11 might have been criticized for being neither here not there, too far away from the White stones in the bottom left for an effective pincer, and also too far from the Black stones in the top left for an extension. OC, the old rules no longer apply. White does not reply, but invades the bottom right corner.

Elf's mainline for W8  

With the three space high pincer, white+circle, the push and cut is not very severe. Elf prefers to reply on the third line. Against B11 White plays the kick, but Black plays the keima, B13, instead of the stand. Again, Elf prefers to reply on the third line. B15 extends on the fourth line, and W15 plays the underneath hane on the left side.

Elf's mainline for W8, continued  

B17 plays the turn on the top side, a big play. Then W18 attaries on the left side. The result in the top left is as though White started with a play at C-16 and Black played the high approach. B21 plays a one space low pincer against white+circle and then W22 jumps into the bottom right corner.

Back to the game.

White gets enclosed for small life  

W14 plays the attachment on the 2-2 and Black pulls back. Next W16 plays the keima and B17 replies. W18 is a dual purpose play, saving W14 and making some eye space, but Elf says that it loses 13%. B19 is a one space extension, making eye space and threatening to separate the central White stones. Elf thinks it is a minor error, losing 6%. W20 connects White's stones and threatens Black's group. Elf thinks that it loses 15½%. Before sliding out into the bottom side Black blocks at B21 with sente, enclosing the White group and forcing it to make small life.

By now the main damage has been done. Elf estimates Black's winrate as 88% with 71.8k playouts. White's sins have added up. First, White played a premature three space high pincer and then followed with the push and cut. Then, White allowed Black to enclose the Wbite group into the corner and force it to make small life.

Elf's main variation for W18  

W18 simply crawls along the second line so as not to keep from getting easily enclosed. After B19 jumps W20 plays a wedge. B23 makes a keima connection, then W24 connects his outside stones and puts pressure on Black's stones in the corner. Black thens captures the white+circle stone and makes life.

Elf's main variation for W18, continued  

W28 plays the clamp and escapes to the left side. Then Black plays the AI 4-4 attachment in the top left corner. White has avoided getting enclosed in the bottom left corner and his bottom side stones are healthier than in the game. OC, because of his previous errors Elf still says that Black is ahead.

Elf's main variation for W20  

As above, W20 keeps from being easily enclosed. B21 threatens White's outside stones, W22 connects and then B23 lives and undercuts the White stones. White then pushes out into the left side and Black plays the attachment in the top left corner. Because of White's error, white+circle, the White stones on the bottom are not as healthy as above.

Up to B27 White made only a small error after W20. White's errors, W18 and W20 illustrate the importance of the basics. Avoid getting enclosed in a corner, and avoid having to make small life.

BillSpightsElfPositionalJudgmentExercises/Game 15 ELf's Solution last edited by xela on December 7, 2019 - 04:04
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