My real name is Ben Finney, though people on newsgroups such as may know me better as "The Nose Who Knows". My username on Sensei's (and most other places I visit) is Bignose. Email is bignose (at) zip (dot) com (dot) au, webpage is .
I hail from Melbourne, Australia. Currently (Apr-2003) I'm about 9k in the Australian rankings, and have been for a couple of years. That breakthrough will come soon though, I just know it :-)
I encountered Go vaguely for many years, as references in Usenet posts (on unrelated newsgroups) and as strange computer games included on Unix systems, until I saw it played in the movie "Pi" by Darren Aronofsky. That was mid-1999, and I determined to learn the game. I've been playing enthusiastically since August 1999.
I'm an infrequent visitor here, but when I do come I'll often touch up a page or start a new one for an undefined link.
I have been enjoying your comments on all BadHabits. If, in addition, you are the nose who knows, welcome, welcome.
Thanks for the welcome, it's fun taking part in a Wiki on one of my favourite subjects :-) -- Bignose
Migeru: I'd like to help writing a tournament manager for Linux. Write to me at
Bignose: I've started a project, TOAD, to create game tournament software. If you think you can help, please join the
toad-devel mailing list where the design of the software will be discussed.
- Benni: a KGS-User from germany, which was long time not seen, has implemented a command-line-oriented version of McMahon Pairing with the intention to set it free. I had at this time the wish to implement a GUI for it (In Perl/Tk for instance), but now i am busy for the next month. Unfortunatly i did not have the code, because our project did not come out of his footsteps at that time and i lost the contact. But maybe there is a possibility to do further research on this subject if someone wants real to use this lost code. contact me through mail benni AT obda DOT de, if you want to know more. btw: TOAD is the name of an proprietary (?) Database-Administration-Client, too.
- Satori?: Hi Here is the "KGS-User" with the Implementation of McMahon Pairing (also a Perl/Tk interface exists nowadays) and i plan to release it soon. Hopefully we will get some more free tournament software so everyone has the choice to use whats fits best for him.
Nodog: The reason that I checked out your page was because my Korean labmate tells me that "bignose" is a way that Koreans refer to white people. He says that he doesn't know the origin and I haven't figured out if it's supposed to be derogatory or not. Of the things that I've been called, "bignose" is certainly one of the least insulting.
- Bignose: That's news to me! I have several Korean friends, and they've never called me that :-) Maybe it's analogous to "slant-eyes", which might make it somewhat derogatory.
- Nodog: I breached protocol a bit and asked. He says that it is considered derogatory, though once again, I certainly don't mind it.