
Sub-page of BeginnerExercise270
Attempt 1  

ProtoDeuteric: B1 makes an immediate eye while threatening to lasso tbe two white stones. W2 protects from it, but is too slow for B3, which creates the other eye, and life with it. Noticing that B3 also threatens the W2 group, white presumably has to respond by connecting to her outside group with W4, thus ending this sequence in gote.

Also notice that W2 could be played at B3 (next diagram)


ProtoDeuteric: If white plays this way, W2 puts the upper black stones in atari. Black must respond at B3. B3, in turn, threatens the W2 group, so white must respond with W4. W4 puts the entire black group in atari, so black must capture the entire invading white group with B5. In the sequence itself, white loses (and black gained) a lot more (locally) than he needed to.

Black dies  

TimK: If Black tries 1 first, White lets the two stones go...

Black dies  

And recaptures.

BeginnerExercise270/Attempt last edited by TimK on December 17, 2007 - 13:49
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