Beginner Exercise 27 / Solution

Sub-page of BeginnerExercise27



Black saves the groups

Any a play is answered by either b; and vice versa. Thus Black secures eyes on the left group. So White attacks on the right. It looks like Black won't have enough eye space. But the cutting point (circled) proves fatal to White's plans.


Black saves the groups

B3 threatens to capture and thus connect the groups, so White must fill. B5 makes the necessary eyes.


Black saves the groups

Any other inside play, or a play at the squared point, is met by B3, which gives atari and also settles the eye space into a bent four. The circled points are miai to divide the space.


Black saves the groups

If White fills, Black can still claim enough eye space this way. In this variation White can't play W6 at B7 because of shortage of liberties, and Black captures to make two eyes.


Black saves the groups

Similarly here.

ABortz: What about playing 2 for white? Black is forced to play 3 (or lose both vital points of the bent 4), and White's response of 4 leaves black with only 1 eye in the right group (Sorry if this is not the right way to edit. I'm a new visitor)


Black loses one group


Black saves both groups

B3 in the previous diagram is a mistake. Black should play atari instead, and then make two eyes with B5.

why can't black play at the cutting point?

The Count: Which point, when?

point 4 on the previous diagram become black's first move.

The Count: If B1 was played at W4, White could immediately capture by playing one point higher.


Does this work?

How does this work? The ko threat at B5 forces White to respond by filling in the ko, allowing Black to play a and secure the second eye. Anything I missed in this sequence?

Superdave: White would play W6 at a, taking away the second eye. Why do you consider B5 a ko threat?

Because of the ko. Black threatens recapturing the ko which puts the marked group in atari. But yeah, obviously white has sente which allows for the kill at a.

Superdave: White would just connect when Black takes back the ko, and it still wouldn't make an eye. In any case, a sure thing is better than a ko.

Beginner Exercise 27 / Solution last edited by Superdave on September 24, 2012 - 15:55
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