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Hello, my real name is Antoine Gérard, from France. I've first learned about Go out of curiosity by taking an initiation book from a library in november 2002. After that I had been studying the game seriously for about 6 months. Meanwhile I discovered Hikaru no Go which increased my interest for the game.

Then I stopped for about two years until last september (2005) when I decided to join a local Go club in Paris with a friend ([ext] Club de l'Observatoire).

I don't play very often on the Internet, though you can see me frequently roaming on KGS as [ext] AkaHige ([ext] rank graph). I like playing on turn-based servers, more especially LittleGolem where I am playing as [ext] Antoine.

I'm mostly interested in the strategic aspects of Go, but I am currently working on my poor reading skills. I've created a [ext] couple of problems at goproblems.com.


Akahige means 'red beard' in english. It is the title and the name of the main character of one of my favourite movies : [ext] Red Beard by the great Akira Kurosawa. It is the story of a famous japanese doctor. A beautiful, moving and deeply humanist film that everyone should see !

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Akahige last edited by Akahige on March 28, 2006 - 10:17
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