Advertising On SL

    Keywords: SL description

From time to time the question arises how SL should deal with advertising.

There is consensus here that Senseis's Library is a non-commerical resource created by Go players for Go players. People come here for the content, to learn something new, or to exchange opinions and ideas. If advertising got out of hand, then SL's value for its audience would decrease. Nonetheless we are interested to hear about commerical products related to Go. It is not always easy to find a good balance between these conflicting poles.

As this is a wiki, its visitors decide what is acceptable content and what is not, every page can be modified.

Following rough guidelines have emerged over time:

  • Comments from people with commercial interest should be marked as such (e.g. if a publisher or author writes something about their book they should disclose that they are publisher/author).
  • Furthermore such comments should be as factual and objective as possible. The past has shown that marketing speech will be modified or even deleted soonish.
  • Leave opinions about the product up to users/buyers of the product.
  • Keywords and links to commercial content should be limited to places where the context is right. Excessive linking etc. is taboo.

In short: People directly involved with a go server/publisher/book/whatever should keep their comments as objective as possible, while fans of the server/publisher/book/whatever can state their opinions all they want. (wms' summary of the discussion).

Go Community service providers may use SL to profile their products and services. Please read Community advertisements on SL for more.

Advertising On SL last edited by tealeaf on September 24, 2007 - 00:02
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