About Yuki
PageType: HomePage
He's so Cool!!!!!
Now YukiMitani is his teaching account, for playing account look for AppleJacks or CantHelpMe
Yukimitani is a go player who plays on KGS he plays everyday, so its not a surprise he improved since june 2005, when he started.
He started the Spaceship To Uranus clan.
Member of the AGA
Also Member of the Massachusetts Go Association
Sometimes in the SDK study Group!!!
Maker of the sai0bots
His other username is: sai0
Favorite Links:
KeenMoves Ranks:
- 4-7-06 22k
- 4-9-06 15k?
- 4-13-06 16k
- 4-20-06 15k
- 5/1/06 10k?
- 6/1/06 1k
Teaching Section
Just ask for a review game!