AGF Tiger's Mouth

    Keywords: EndGame

[ext] Tiger's Mouth is a website set up by the American Go Foundation to give American youth players a place to go and meet other youth players. The site features an ongoing comic strip which has the tiger (or cat?) Dosaku, a panda, and ninjas to help kids and teens learn Go shapes.

It has many Forums for every topic under the Go sun, from setting up go clubs to Hikaru No Go.

It has links to the AGA and AGF websites and other helpful go resources.

The AGF distributes free Go equipment to any youth oriented Go program in the US or Canada. Come visit us online, make some friends and share the magic and wonder of Go!

Tigers Mouth also maintains an active social room on KGS, where you can go to chat, study, and play other go youth. See the site's forums for detail on how to get in.


Every month, Tiger's Mouth holds several different kinds of tournaments.

  • Prize Tournaments

Monthly prize tournaments take place in the Tiger's Mouth room on KGS, allowing youth participants (18 and under) to win prizes for winning their individual sections. Sections vary, but are usually Beginner, Double-Digit Kyu, and Single-Digit Kyu + Dan.

  • Title Tournaments

Tiger's Mouth holds a Tiger's Mouth Title Tournament every other month, allowing participants to win their own title, taken from the Japanese title tournaments. They are run by acciogo, kidchaor24, and dinnertime.

Super Administrators

Get to know our friendly admins!

Michael Su? - The one responsible for a majority of the coding of the Tiger's Mouth website, but rarely visits it himself. If we have a problem, he's the one to call.

Shimari - The face of Tiger's Mouth. Shimari is the one you'll find greeting new members, running the prize tournaments, and anything else you can think off.

The name of this website is taken from the tiger's mouth shape.

Website: [ext]

AGF Tiger's Mouth last edited by tapir on February 15, 2015 - 17:34
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